Welcome To American Christian School and Art Center
At American Christian School and Art Center we value the Christ-centered family environment that we provide our students and their families. Students and parents have access to their teachers and administration to help answer any questions and help students succeed. We are a Title I school which offers qualifying students additional academic support through tutoring at no cost to their families. Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that qualify may receive additional support from Miami Dade County Public Schools IDEA program during school hours. Our school accepts Step Up for Students, Gardiner, and McKay scholarships. For more information contact the school office.
Our Standard
American Christian School & Art Center admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin, to all rights, privileges, programs and activities which are available to students at the school. American Christian School will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin in the administration of our educational and admission policies, nor in our financial aid, and other programs.